–  Yugika Mital

Depending on what time of the pandemic we spoke, you probably have heard me say ‘I’m quite liking the lockdown, you know? Not having to talk to a lot of people’ or ‘This WFH has wrecked my routine!’ or ‘It’s kinda nice to cook different dishes but then washing the dishes is what really challenges me’, even ‘I’m going home, not knowing when I’ll be returning so it’s like an adventure’ to ‘That’s it. The lockdown needs to end and even this introvert needs to socialise a little’.

But if we’ve spoken very recently, I probably have said to you ‘one day at a time, is what I’m looking at’ considering the back-stabbing turn that life took with its myriad tests and an irreplaceable loss that we’ve faced. I now fear this pandemic probably more than any rational person does. But this is not about the months of agony that this year earlier brought with itself; this is about gratitude and being mindfully present in what is happening right now.

My most favourite part of the day is Morning because it now brings with itself the slight arrival of temperate weather followed by cheerful morning wishes, kisses and hugs. Each morning I’m reminded of how grateful I should be to be able to spend it with my family, who’ve given me everything I have and am. To be able to sit with them and enjoy breakfast with endless stories of the past that are hilarious, inspirational, and remind me of my ancestors and the marvel I hold in myself by just being born here.

Sitting together with family/ friends for meals can be such a relaxing activity – you connect on a new topic on almost a daily basis. While everyone literally jumps on each other’s words to tell their story, you just wish for time to pause for a little while so that you can soak in all these memories. There can be the most mundane sabji but 10 minutes into the meal, just the joy of sitting together, healthy, happy and safe can make you feel so grateful. Lunch and dinner, are honestly no different. The anxiety that the outside world can cause in one’s mind can so easily be comforted by some light hearted moments with family. (Fortunate are those for whom this holds true, I understand that.)

Moreover, when it comes to gratitude, why wait for particular times of the day to enjoy some togetherness? I’ve started clicking more pictures to capture the most random moments because as preachy as it might sound, I’ve realised that in the end, photographs are what eventually shape your fading memory. I capture in a click my grandma sitting on the terrace, peaceful in the evening wind while at least 2 of us utilise the space for some exercise. I want to take images of the random board games my father and I played on a rainy day when the current was out for about 12 hours straight. My camera roll is now increasingly filled with images of my mother making comical faces when I ask her to smile and those with my sister when we cook together or just simply sit together to chat. Honestly, we’ve moved past the stage where anyone refuses to take a picture because ‘their hair doesn’t look good’ or they look ‘too tired’! There are such ‘trivial/ day to day’ moments that I do not hold the writing proficiency to articulate with vivid imagery but when I recall them, I automatically close my eyes and am transported to those – feeling relaxed and meditated.

I have started appreciating how this pandemic has given us a chance to cook together at times, be more aware of each other tastes – in food, clothing, entertainment etc., learn new skills, games and trivia from one another, understand each other’s professional work, share our biggest achievements so far and several of the most embarrassing stories and many more things that have made us connect with each other on new levels. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve always been decently close as a family but now we’re taking out time to be consciously present and contribute the most to this limited time together before everyone (possibly) disperses again to different cities.

I like knowing my family members’ routines, impulses, likes/ dislikes and that how these different personalities have begun to gel together better than before; to know that we all have different goals in life/ in a day but to understand that all these goals involve a sought out future for all of us. Everyone seems to be sailing through different storms in their minds but I have begun to feel how these storms calm down when we complement each others’ personalities. It is One Day at a Time but I know we’re moving forward each day, together, and that is all that counts.


                                                   A PLACE IN ADVERTISING

                                                                                   -Yugika Mital


Every week at school, we used to have two hours of extra-curricular activities. You name it and it was on the calendar.

I was sitting at the intern’s desk in J. Walter Thompson, Mumbai and my brain just said ‘What will I ever have to do with Advertising?’

I paused. Dug a little deeper; out came a memory that had been forgotten for 7.5 years now. Continue reading “A PLACE IN ADVERTISING”



If we make up our mind to improve and become better people, life seems better. If we accept and acknowledge the faults in ourselves, we finally begin to see ways to overcome them.

It is one thing to be aware of your faults. It is another thing for a stranger to tell you that.
After two sessions over call, each lasting an hour or more, the voice on the other side said that I had a trait called obsessiveness. Continue reading “EIGHT WEEKS OF IMPROVEMENT”


                                            THE FIRST OF MANY LECTURES 

                                                                                          -Yugika Mital

He’s a small man. His glasses resemble those of my grandfather’s. He sticks his hair together and is always dressed as if for a professional interview. Today, he wore a red and blue checked shirt with a dark brown pant and walked into the classroom with the usual calm he is known to maintain. Continue reading “THE FIRST OF MANY LECTURES”




                                                                  -Yugika Mital


How could we ever live without imagination? Without creating a more fantastical version in the mere spheres of our heads?

Where we stand has a major role to play in what we imagine, both metaphorically and literally. If I look out the window from the 10th floor as the city lights sing and rhythm with each other under the dark shadow, I imagine a world of progress, speed and untiring effort. In some more hours, as silence would dominate the empty space, Continue reading “IMAGINE”



                                                         TO THE ONE INSIDE

                                                                        -Yugika Mital


‘Maybe if I watched an emotional motion picture, I’d be able to express better.’

‘Maybe if I read a beautiful poem on love, loss, cheer, I’d finally be starting on writing my masterpiece.’

‘Maybe if I went through some old photographs, collected memories from the shut closets of my imagination, I’d have better metaphors.’

‘Or maybe if I stayed silent, let my hands and my heart do the talking, it would actually turn out to be an honest piece. An article written for the soul. That is all that suffices.’ Continue reading “TO THE ONE INSIDE”



                                                                FROM START TO MID

Yugika Mital

Standing in a group of people you’ve met for the first time.

A new campus.

A different city.

The same you.

If you signed up for Mass Communication then does it mean that it’s easy for you to converse in this situation or is there still time to improve your social skills?

The truth remains that no one shall sit you down and make you feel like home, but with the right effort you can learn, grow, see the reality and mould yourself for good.

My college is not wholly comprised of the usual students, Continue reading “FROM START TO MID”



                                                        A MILLION GOALS, ONE WAY

                                                                                          -Yugika Mital

If we were to be stuck in the bubble where we resided 5 years or even 6 months ago, then could we say that we did justice to the time given to us? That we learnt and grew and in turn helped others grow? Could we say that we hold the right to complain about the numerous things even if we did not take a step to improve them? Continue reading “ONE MILLION GOALS, ONE WAY”



                                                     A WALL, MY WALL

                                                                  -Yugika Mital


The wall of my hostel room is painted white

Cutting the chord between its previous occupant and I

It stretches its arms wide open,

I can dress it the way I want.

So I started putting pieces of a puzzle together

A puzzle I like to call, ‘the journey of a little less than 20 years’.


A year old me in mummy’s arms,

A 15 year old me, as tall as she.

Moments when I embraced the microphone as my dearest possession,

Moments when nothing was more hilarious than my pizza expression!

Some with my oldest friend by my side,

Our friendship still is young.

Photographs that define me but don’t limit me.


Sometimes when I lie down and glance up,

It all makes sense to me

Experiences and People

Some of you here and others scattered around the world

Like pixie dust

That magic doesn’t happen at the wave of a wand,

It’s in the smiles

The hugs that are worth framing,

The people who are the pieces to each of our puzzles

Revealing themselves at the right time

Because we just cannot fill the pages of that one precious diary

Unless we have the perfect poem or the perfect story.


But the good and the bad, both have their ways

Keep your head up, your feet low

You are not another stone tossed in the ocean

You are an island that stands afloat.

And for this, bringing my wall together is the word ‘potpourri’

Not the dried flowers of scent but a mixture of things

A gentle reminder that a brilliant day will be balanced by the worst one

But at their intersection will be another piece of the puzzle done.


A Wall doesn’t have to always divide,

Sometimes, it brings together

Family portraits,


Posters and dreams,

And My Wall binds all the pieces of my puzzle in one fantastical shape

The one that pumps blood

The one that goes as far as the journey goes

The heart – the perfect cohesion for ‘the journey of a little less than 20 years’ and going…